Short instructions

Choosing a target

There is no PNA build. Use one of the versions above, depending on the Windows CE/Mobile version you have. Older PNAs have PPC2003, use WM5 for newer ones.

Installation on a Windows PC

  1. download the PC EXE file and run it
  2. upon first startup, XCSoar creates the directory XCSoarData in your "Documents" folder; copy data files into it (waypoints, airspace, map)
  3. open the "System Configuration" dialog in XCSoar and configure the data files

Installation on a PDA

There are two ways to install on a PDA:

CAB installation

  1. download the CAB file for your Windows version and copy it to a SD card (or install the CAB via ActiveSync)
  2. create the directory "XCSoarData" on the same SD card and copy data files into it (waypoints, airspace, map)
  3. insert the SD card into your PDA
  4. on the PDA, open the File Explorer and click on the CAB file to start installation
  5. launch XCSoar (from start menu or today screen)
  6. open the "System Configuration" dialog in XCSoar and configure the data files

SD card installation

  1. download the EXE file for your Windows version and copy it to a SD card
  2. create the directory "XCSoarData" on the same SD card and copy data files into it (waypoints, airspace, map)
  3. insert the SD card into your PDA
  4. launch XCSoar by clicking on the EXE file in the File Explorer
  5. open the "System Configuration" dialog in XCSoar and configure the data files

Installation on a PNA

Before you can use a PNA, you need to unlock it (i.e. get it to run the File Explorer). Unfortunately, this is different for each manufacturer; look for instructions on the internet.

After you have access to the file explorer, prepare a SD card as described above, and run the EXE file from the File Explorer.

Installation on the Triadis Altair

Unpack the ZIP file on an empty USB stick (formatted with FAT16). Plug it into the Altair, switch it on, select "Stick to Altair (Disp)".

Installation on Linux

Install the package with "dpkg -i xcsoar_6.0.x_amd64.deb" (only Debian/Ubuntu). The data files are stored in ~/.xcsoar (directory ".xcsoar" in your home directory).

Installation on Android

Install XCSoar from the Android market (or from the APK file). Copy data files to the directory XCSoarData on the SD card.

Data files

Here's a short list of files you may find useful for your XCSoarData directory:

Home page

Visit my home page for more information about this project: